Clearing and tuning of the biofield (aura) is a simple, gentle, non-invasive, powerfully effective method to release trapped energy.
Clearing the biofield (aura) with tuning forks originated with the work of Eileen McKusick, who has written two books on the subject, which is highly recommended reading. Most of the information provided below is from her works: Tuning the Human Biofield and Electric Body, Electric Health.
The biofield (aura) contains the record of all our memories embedded as energy information. This information is contained as biophotons and a magnetic energy that may be stuck. This energy may accumulate within the field made up of remnants of pain left behind from strong emotions , traumas both physical and emotional . This method finding and releasing these stuck pockets can free this stuck energy from the field in our electrical body.
Elaine writes: “Life has ups and downs; good things and bad things happen. We should allow ourselves to feel all emotions as they arise understanding they are not good or bad but just a normal part of the human experience. they move on. It’s only when we resist them, repress them, or judge them that they tend to stick around and create problems…. we must seek to manage them appropriately, allowing them to flow through, returning to a place of neutrality. Neutrality is the place that we return to once the highs and lows have passed. Neutrality is a state of mind where you can enjoy true rest, without agendas.”
In addition to our memories, the biofield (aura) contains the blueprint that the physical body organizes itself around. Thus, unresolved emotional experiences can cause a pathological breakdown in the order, structure, and function of the physiology.
Any way these traumas came to us, they are effectively and gently released and reintegrated back into the body’s biofield (aura) circulation to be utilized for a greater good.
If you tried everything else but you’re not where you want to be in your life, this may be the missing step in your journey, to work with the energies in your electromagnetic body…healing and releasing energy that is a result of stuck emotions and frozen traumas.
Contact Carol to enquire on how this type of session might assist you.